10 Lines On Lotus Flower In English Hey folks, are you searching for a 10-line essay on a lotus flower? Here we have three different sets of essays on lotus for the different age groups of students. Choose the right set for you and start reading. If you want to make your essay more informative, we recommend you to read all three sets.
10 Lines On Lotus Flower In English For Children And Students
Here each set is fed with a lot of interesting facts about the lotus plants. Here you will get much about the lotus in different aspects like its habitat, species, colours.
Lotus is an aquatic plant found in shallow water of reservoirs like rivers and lakes. This plant has its roots in the mud of the riverbed, with larger leaves floating on the water’s surface. This plant is well known for its beautiful flowers.
Continue reading the article to know more about the lotus.
Set 1] 10 lines on the lotus for children:
1] Lotus is an aquatic plant found mostly in ponds, lakes.
2] It grows in shallow water with its roots embedded in mud.
3] Lotus is found in different colours like red, pink, blue, yellow, purple, and white.
4] Typically the lotus flower has 15 to 40 petals while some fully grown flowers may have a few hundred petals.
5] The lotus has larger round-shaped leaves that float on water.
6] In India, the season of the lotus lasts from April to September.
7] The world’s largest lotus producer is China.
8] Micro lotus is the smallest lotus plant that grows up to the height of 10 inches.
9] Giant Padma lotus is the largest flower in the world which can grow up to the width of 80 cm.
10] The flower of this plant symbolizes beauty, strength, purity, and rebirth.
Set 2] 10 lines on the lotus for school students:
1] Rose is considered a sacred flower and has much importance in Indian culture.
2] each part of this plant is used for different purposes.
3] Lotus is considered one of the largest flowers in the world.
4] From 26 January 1950 the lotus flower is considered as the national flower of India.
5] The lotus flower can have a maximum width of 1 foot.
6] This flower is used for medicinal purposes, for treating the problems like cough, bleeding, fever, stomach pain, etc.
7] These plants are in lakes, ponds, and other shallow and slow-moving water resources.
8] This flower is also used in different beauty products.
9] In Asian countries the root of the lotus is used to make different cuisines.
10] The lotus seeds are spread over the lake by flowing water, which causes these plants to spread over the lake.
Set 3] 10 lines on the lotus for college students:
1] Scientific name for the Lotus is Nelumbo nucifera.
2] It belongs to the order Proteales And the family of Nelumbonaceae.
3] This flower has two different species: Nelumbo lutea Pear And Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.
4] Lotus grows in regions with warm climates and with a sufficient amount of sunlight.
5] From seed to the flower, this plant takes up to 2 years. But cultivation using tubers helps to get blossom faster.
6] This flower symbolizes purity as it grows from mud but it has no stain on it.
7] The lotus plants have the danger of different species of pest and insects that eats the leaves of the plant.
8] American lotus also known as Nelumbo lutea is the yellow lotus species considered endangered.
9] Some of the species of lotus are specifically cultivated for producing seeds that are used for different purposes i.e., from cooking to medical purposes.
10] Lotus honey is the honey made by honeybees by sucking nectar from a lotus flower.
Thank you, friends, for reading these 10-line essays on the lotus flower. We appreciate the efforts you put into reading this article. We hope you found this article valuable and you enjoy the reading.
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