Are you kid, school or Higher Class student, looking for 10 Lines On The Gopal Krishna Gokhale In English, then just check it, you will get an idea about Gopal Krishna Gokhale. We have provided all significant information about the Gopal Krishna Gokhale in easy manner and in lucid language which will help you in easily understanding and remember.
10 Lines On The Gopal Krishna Gokhale In English For Children And Students
Gopal Krishna Gokhale was an Indian National Congress (INC) prominent politician who was born on the 9 May 1866. They thought that the best way for India to achieve self-rule was via constitutional methods as well as collaboration with a British administration. Let’s see more about the Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
10 Lines On The Gopal Krishna Gokhale In English (set 1)
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale was a political leader from the india.
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale was born on a May 9, 1866.
- Indian servants of Society was founded by Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
- Gokhale was an Indian National Congress (INC) prominent politician.
- Krishna Rao Gokhale was the father of the Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
- In 1889, Gokhale joined the Indian National Congress.
- The spouse name of the Gopal Krishna Gokhale was Savitri Bai.
- The Gopal Krishna Gokhale has two daughters which are Kashi Bai as well as Godhu Bai.
- The mother name of the Gopal Krishna Gokhale was Sathyabama Bai.
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale dies on the 19 February 1915.
10 Lines On The Gopal Krishna Gokhale In English (set 2)
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale was the founder of the Indian servants of Society who was born at the Kotluk, Dist. Ratnagiri, Bombay Presidency, British India.
- The father name of the Gopal Krishna Gokhale was Krishna Rao Gokhale and the mother name was Sathyabama Bai.
- The humanitarian efforts of Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade had a significant impact on Gopal Krishna Gokhale’s life.
- As a protege of social reformer Mahadev Govind Ranade, In year 1889, Gopal Krishna Gokhale joined a Indian National Congress.
- There were two daughters to the Gopal Krishna Gokhale which are Godhu Bai as well as Kashi Bai.
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale thought that the best way for India to achieve self-rule was via constitutional methods as well as collaboration with a British administration.
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale was genuinely concerned about the future of Congress following the Surat split.
- In the early twentieth century, both Gopal Krishna Gokhale as well as Bal Gangadhar Tilak were prominent political figures.
- Even after their family’s poverty, Gopal Krishna Gokhale’s family members made certain that Gokhale acquired an English education, that would enable him to work as an accountant or junior officer inside the British Regime
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale died on the 19 February 1915 at the Bombay, Bombay Presidency, British India.
10 Lines On The Gopal Krishna Gokhale In English (set 3)
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale was an Indian National Congress (INC) prominent politician who was born on the 9 May 1866.
- Gokhale was a philosopher, social activist, as well as politician who is often regarded as India’s finest progressive.
- The Gopal Krishna Gokhale was the son of the father Krishna Rao Gokhale as well as mother Sathyabama Bai.
- In 1884, Gopal Krishna Gokhale received a bachelor’s degree from Elphinstone Institute, making him among the first Indian generations to have a university degree.
- With a acquiring English language, Gopal Krishna Gokhale was introduced to Western political thinking as well as grew to respect philosophers such as John Edmund Burke as well as Stuart Mill.
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale had two marriages, the first spouse was Savitri Bai who died on the 1887 due to the incurable ailment. Hence in year 1887 they again married with the Rishibama.
- As Gokhale became elected as Indian National Congress’s president as well as at the pinnacle of their political power in year 1905,
- On December 20, 1901, Gopal Krishna Gokhale was selected to the indian Governor-General’s Imperial Council.
- The Indian National Congress was joined by the Gopal Krishna Gokhale in year 1889.
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale was died at the age of 48 years on the 19 February 1915 at the Bombay, Bombay Presidency, British India.
Therefore these are the 10 Lines On The Gopal Krishna Gokhale In English that we provided for three different category students which will help them to briefly know about Gopal Krishna Gokhale. You can take it help for your homework, project work, exam preparation, speech, essay writing wherever needed.