Are you in search of the 10 Lines On Life insurance In English, then just read this article. We have provided all necessary and significant information in three category levels that means for Kid, for school students as well as for Higher school students. We have shared depth of knowledge with lucid language about Life insurance just check it, which will help to get more knowledge about that in simple way.
10 Lines On Life insurance In English For Children And Student
Life insurance is the contract dones between the customer or the policy holder and insurer for the insurer will give money to the policy holder’ beneficiaries after the policy holder death. Let’s read more about Life insurance.
Set 1 – 10 Lines On Life insurance In English for the Kids
- Life insurance is the deal between the customer and insurer.
- Through Life insurance, the insurer guarantees policy holder to give a specified beneficiary an amount of money, when an policy holder dies.
- In this, the person who registered for life insurance is known as policy holder and the person from the financial services provider is known as Insurer.
- When the people registered for the life insurance, then they pay monthly money to the insurer and if it dies then insurer will give the money to the policy holder beneficiaries.
- It is a big help for the remaining family members if they are financially dependent on one person after their death.
- Life insurance is also known as the Life assurance.
- It is used to protect against financial loss resulting from the policy holder’s death.
- This gives financial support to the policy holder’s family after the person’s death.
- The merchants of London’s Light Coffee House launched the insurance business.
- Oriental Life Insurance Co. Ltd. was the first insurance company in India.
Set 2 – 10 Lines On Life insurance In English for the School Students
- The contract between the customer and the insurer is known as life insurance. Before the policy holder dies, the insurer ensures that a certain amount of money will be given to a specified beneficiary through life insurance after policy holder death.
- India’s insurance industry In the year 2000, it was made available to private insurance firms. In India, there are now 24 life insurance firms.
- There are many types of life insurance such are Term insurance, Permanent life insurance, Universal life coverage, Group life insurance, Whole life etc.
- The danger of dying is covered by term insurance, which is best option in all insurance plans.
- Just in case of death during the specified term will a lump sum payment be made. Nothing is paid if the insurer survives until the end of the chosen period.
- Low income, huge financial obligations, financially dependent wife and kids, and good health are all reasons why people choose life insurance.
- In the instance of a person’s death, a Life insurance is perfect for shielding the family from the financial burdens of a home loan and children’s schooling.
- When a person has a loan that is expected to expire after a specific amount of time, it is the optimum time to purchase life insurance.
- Life insurance provides financial security to the family member’s after policy holder death.
- The large amount is paid to the beneficiaries in the instance of the policy holder’s accidental death after buying out insurance.
Set 3 – 10 Lines On Life insurance In English for the Higher class Students
- The customer and the insurer make a deal as a life insurance. if policyholder dies, the insurer certain amount of money will be given to a designated beneficiary through life insurance.
- In 1818, Anita Bhavsar established her insurance company in India.
- Term life insurance plans are true insurance plans in the sense that they are planned and priced in such a manner that a group of planners collects the premiums.
- Universal life coverage, Term insurance, Group life insurance, Permanent life insurance are the different kinds of Life insurance.
- Nicholas Bourbon founded the first fire insurance provider in England, The Fire Office, in 1680, after learning from the catastrophic fire that burned 13,200 houses in London in 1666.
- A person is guaranteed to live for a specific number of years under life insurance, and if this does not occur, that is, if the policy holder is dies before a certain timespan, a set amount is gives to the beneficiaries.
- After the policyholder dies, life insurance provides financial protection to family members.
- In the incidence of permanent disability as a result of an accident, the insured is compensated based on the degree of disability.
- There are even many other accident insurance policies that pay a set value if a temporary disability occurs.
- Life insurance is not something that helps us today but it protects people in the future.
So, thank you for reading this, and I hope you understand everything I’ve said thus far. Finally, these are the 10 Lines On Life insurance In English that we provided for three distinct types of students in order to help you obtain a basic knowledge of the Life insurance. You can take this information for your Academic writing, projects, schoolwork, presentations, and exam preparation.