Are you searching for 10 Lines On Chandrashekhar Azad In English, We have shared lot of information for three category level students, for kid, school, Higher Class student as per their understanding level. We have provided all necessary information about Chandrashekhar Azad, their role in Indian freedom, their childhood life, their education and their social work etc. in simple and easy language which will help you in easily understand and remember. just check it, you will get lot of information about life of Chandrashekhar Azad.
10 Lines On Chandrashekhar Azad In English For Children And Students
Chandrashekhar Azad was a great freedom fighter with young blood. He entered in Indian freedom movement at the age of 15. He described himself as Azad. He was also younger brother of of the great patriot sukhdev. Early age of 15 years he was involved in non cooperation movement against British rule. Lets see more about them.
Set 1 – 10 Lines On Chandrashekhar Azad In English for the Kids
- The real name of chandrashekhar Azad was chandrashekhar Tiwari.
- Chandrashekhar Azad was great patriot and Indian freedom fighter.
- Chandrashekhar Azad was born on 23 July 1906 at bhavra, alirajpur.
- His father name was Sitaram Tiwari and his mother name was jagrani Devi.
- In 1921, he was involved in non cooperation movement. at that time he was only 15 years old.
- He was scholar in Sanskrit. He moved to Kashi vidyapeeth for his further studies.
- At the time he was imprisoned and he was punished by giving 15 lashes.
- After that he becomes active member of Hindustan republican association.
- In 1928, he shooted J. P. saunders to take revenge of killing lala lajpat Rai.
- Chandrashekhar Azad was died in 27 February 1931.
Set 2 – 10 Lines On Chandrashekhar Azad In English for the School Students
- Chandrashekhar Azad was great and revolutionary freedom fighter. He sacrificed his life for his mother nation India.
- Such a great patriotic was born on 23 July 1906 at bhavra, alirajpur.
- His father Sitaram tiwari was kind and honest person.
- His mother Jagran Devi wants to make chandrashekhar Azad as Sanskrit scholar and as per his mother’s wish he moved to Kashi vidyapeeth for his further studies.
- In 1921, at the age of 15 he was involved in non-corporation movement started by mahatma Gandhi. In this movement, he was imprisoned and punished.
- Mahatma Gandhi was suspended him from non cooperation movement in 1922.
- In 1922, he formed Hindustan republican association with Ram Prasad Bismil.
- In 1925 Chandrashekhar Azad and others were taken part in the kakori railway heist.
- In the year of 1928, he killed JP Sanders to take revenge of Lala lajpat rai death.
- Chandrashekhar Azad was passed away on 27th February 1931 at Alfred park in Allahabad. After Indian independence the park was renamed as Azad maidan.
Set 3 – 10 Lines On Chandrashekhar Azad In English for the Higher Class Students
- “Your veins are filled with water if it is not rage in this condition”, said by Chandrashekhar Azad.
- At the age of 15 years he was involved in Non-Cooperation movement. Hence he was imprisoned and punished by Britisher.
- After removing from non cooperation movement he mate Ram Prasad bismil. Along with him they formed Hindustan republican association.
- To collect funds for Hindustan republican association, he started robbery of property of British government.
- The great freedom fighter sukhdev was his elder brother. He was the follower of Bhagat Singh.
- Chandrashekhar Azad helped Bhagat Singh for bomb blast in British assembly.
- The biography of Chandrashekhar Azad was written by Manmath nath Gupta.
- In 1928, he had taken revenge of lala lajpat rai death by killing British officer j. k. saunders.
- For helping his mother, when he was going to meet his colleague someone reported to the police.
- When he was in Alfred park the ground was sealed off by police. In one side shooting he killed three police officers. And when he realized that he was having last bullet in his gun, he sucide by shooting on to the
So friends, Thanks for reading, I hope you’ve understood all mentioned above. Therefore this are the 10 Lines On Chandrashekhar Azad In English we shared for three different category students which will help you to briefly know about Chandrashekhar Azad, their role in Indian freedom, their childhood life, their education and their social work etc. You can use this for your essay writing, project work, homework, speech and exam preparation wherever needed.